Soft Fruit Greenhouse Cultivation (high-tech)

An expert training course for soft fruit professionals on growing soft fruit in high-tech greenhouses.

Water & Fertigation

Without water and nutrients a plant cannot grow. Learn the basic concepts and needs of water uptake and fertigation.

Training Chrysanthemum Cultivation Specialist

Learn to understand the cultivation process for optimal results and quality. This training programme consists of 3 courses and is [...]

Pot plant cultivation

The modern potted plant sector is very dynamic. This expert training is aimed at growers and cultivation managers of pot [...]

Growing with Light

Growing with Light, focused on cultivation and economics aspects of light, is in collaboration with HAS green academy.

Training Strawberry Cultivation Specialist

Understand the cultivation process for optimal results and quality. Three trainings (Cultivation, Water, IPM) supported by the Delphy Soft Fruit [...]

Licentie adviseren GWB

As an advisor, you are required to attend a renewal meeting regularly. Delphy Academy organizes various renewal meetings throughout the [...]

Workshop Scouten

Crop workers are the eyes in the greenhouse. When diseases and pests are recognized at an early stage, targeted action [...]

Toegepaste Plantfysiologie

For anyone with some experience who wants to learn more about plant-specific concepts in greenhouse horticulture.

Spuitlicentiebijeenkomsten voor Boomkwekerij, Vaste Plantenteelt, Snijheesters en Zomerbloemen

Delphy organiseert in de winterperiode diverse spuitlicentiebijeenkomsten voor de verlenging van uw licentie ‘Uitvoeren of Bedrijfsvoeren’.