The acquisition by Royal Peterson Control Union Group B.V. will combine Delphy’s deep domain expertise with the already established international network of RPCU offices, ensuring more countries and supply chains will benefit.
We Make Growers Better
Delphy focuses on research, projects, data-driven crop management, consultancy and training.
We conduct practice-oriented research and initiate global projects to stimulate innovation in agriculture and horticulture. We optimise cultivation with data-driven models, offer high-quality advice to growers and provide training for beginning and advanced crop managers.
Delphy improves the performance of growers worldwide. We Make Growers Better!
Consultancy by independent experts
Delphy's crop experts offer independent and reliable advice to growers. We make growers better!
Excelling in Applied Research
Delphy carries out applied research, largely at its own research sites. Research themes are digitalisation, climate-proof cultivation and robust systems.
We lead and initiate projects
In global agriculture and horticulture projects, we initiate practically applicable knowledge for growers.
We provide and create trainings
Delphy Academy provides training courses for beginning and experienced crop managers.
Data-driven crop management
Delphy develops data-driven crop planning models to optimise your crop.
Crop Specialists
Delphy: knowledge development and knowledge implementation for the vegetable sectors
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QMS Strawberry for more control over the strawberry cultivation with data

Proeftuin Randwijk reveals new name: FRC Randwijk

Growers continue reseach for resilient cultivation of seed onions and carrots

QMS now also integrated with the IIVO climate computer!

Delphy Team Greenhouse Vegetables on Inspiration Tour to Finland

Pilot innovative techniques for lighting and heating in cucumber cultivation

A smarter QMS Tomato to boost your cultivation!

Delphy rises in Hillenraad 100