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4G-Gronings Graan Groener en Grondiger (SNN-0900)

Graanteelt neemt in het Oldambt een belangrijke positie in en wordt gekenmerkt door bulkproductie, lage prijzen, lage marges en eenzijdige [...]

NIL-Duurzame en Natuurinclusieve Noordelijke Bouwplannen (SNN-00231)

Introductie project: Natuurinclusieve landbouw, een agrarisch model dat actief de natuur integreert in zijn bedrijfsvoering, wordt steeds belangrijker, gezien de [...]

“De vruchten plukken van autonoom telen”

the Netherlands
A solution is being developed for growers to autonomously control the irrigation strategy.

Nutri-check NET

FrieslandGroningenthe Netherlands
During the next 3 three years, this project will establish a self-sustaining, multi-actor, Thematic Network called “NUTRI-CHECK NET” that builds [...]

Innovatiedag Pioenroos had a lot of visitors

14 June 2024
The Peony Innovation Day organised on 7 June was well attended.

Delphy picks up grubs research innovatively

27 May 2024
Research under controlled conditions on the management of grubs using breeding system of cockchafers.

Delphy signs agreement with partner in Senegal

24 May 2024
Delphy bets on growth in Senegal Delphy has signed an agreement with ENSA (École Nationale Supérieur d’Agriculture) in Thiès in [...]

The five success factors for data-driven management

7 May 2024
Discover the future of cultivation management with our latest whitepaper on ‘the five success factors for data-driven management.’ In this [...]

Pot plant cultivation

The modern potted plant sector is very dynamic. This expert training is aimed at growers and cultivation managers of pot [...]
  • TypeDelphy location Bleiswijk