Innovatiedag Pioenroos had a lot of visitors

14 June 2024

The Peony Innovation Day organised on 7 June was well attended. Both in the Phytophthora workshop in the morning, all seats were occupied and in the afternoon, eight full groups of participants passed the various objects in the demo workshop carousel.

Leader Frank van der Helm, as a lecturer at InHolland University of Applied Sciences, provided the theoretical part.
Eugène van Abeelen and Peter Morrenhof discussed various practical situations from their expertise as Delphy specialists.

The afternoon programme consisted of various research objects, presentations and demonstrations on sustainable and efficient soil management in their annual and perennial crops and future-proof cultivation:

* Organic matter supply
* Nitrogen standards
* Preventing nitrate leaching
* Herbicide demo: weed control in peony
The secret to good weed control is good planning. Resource choice and resource knowledge also play a role. Not all weeds are equally sensitive to a particular pesticide. For example, willow weeds are poorly controlled by glyphosate. Delphy’s Crop Protection Guide contains tables with the activity of authorised herbicides and the sensitivity of weeds to these agents. New agents that may offer opportunities include Primus and Titus. For more information and a complete overview, consult our (Dutch) Crop Protection Guide Tree Cultivation and Perennial Cultivation 2024.
* Preventing and controlling Phytophthora
* Hot water treatment of peony to prevent Phytophthora
* Demonstration of the AgXeed AgBot 2.055W4 by Nouws Mechanisatie.
This autonomous implement carrier is used for tillage and
weed control. This machine is in practical use at Van Aert Flowers.


If you have (additional) questions, please contact:

Peter Morrenhof, +31 (0)6 51 85 58 63

Eugène van Abeelen, +31 (0)6 53 94 60 72

The Innovation Day Peony 2024 is co-sponsored by Beeldende Bodem Brabant and funded by the Province of North Brabant and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.