Licentie adviseren GWB

Delphy Academy organizes various renewal meetings throughout the year for the “Advising Crop Protection” license. These meetings are suitable for all sectors and cover different themes.

Each meeting lasts approximately 2½ hours (excluding breaks) and includes an interactive component with group work, requiring a short preparation from participants beforehand. Bringing your personal laptop/tablet is recommended or necessary.


For scheduling, location, and registration, please refer to the Bureau Erkenningen.

In-company meetings at specific locations are also possible. For more information, please email



Brief description of available meetings:

Business Economics for Advisors

Theme: Advising Cultivation

As an advisor, you often provide well-founded crop protection advice for better, healthier, or more resilient cultivation. However, the associated costs and risks are often less clear. In the ‘Business Economics for Advisors’ meeting, participants learn various basic techniques for accurate cost allocation and analyzing business risks. This ensures that your advice not only contributes to future-oriented and sustainable production but also considers a healthy and resilient economic perspective for the client.


Efficient Problem Analysis and Advising

Theme: Knowledge and Information Transfer

What do you do when your client has a problem where you have limited knowledge? As a crop protection advisor, you are constantly faced with new challenges, products, and solutions. In the ‘Efficient Problem Analysis and Advising’ meeting, participants learn how to efficiently identify a problem, gather information, and collaborate to find solutions for a comprehensive and up-to-date advice.
(Rated 8.7 by Bureau Erkenningen)


Efficient Knowledge Sharing with a Group

Theme: Knowledge and Information Transfer

How do you, as an advisor, efficiently convey your knowledge of crop protection in a group setting? In the ‘Efficient Knowledge Sharing with a Group’ meeting, participants learn about crucial elements of a good presentation and practice applying them. These elements serve as the building blocks for your next efficient and clear presentation.



Via the Bureau Erkenningen website (or send an email to