Lettuce Cultivation

High-tech lettuce cultivation is increasing worldwide. To provide knowledge about cultivation issues Delphy Academy developed a training where all aspects of high-tech lettuce production will be covered.

This expert training is for anybody who would like to learn more about high tech lettuce cultivation. The 6 online lectures are based on participants with experience in cultivation.

What do you learn?

In the training Lettuce Cultivation you learn the specific concepts of high tech greenhouse lettuce cultivation and how to use them in your daily work. Basic plant physiology and cultivation management are combined with innovations and insights from current research.

How to learn?

This training is given online by our trainers. You participate by listening to the lectures and discuss the topics with the trainers. You can ask questions and have to make exercises. It is like a real life class with a lot of interaction but it is online!

Planning 2024

This online training is organized twice a year.

Spring: Not planned yet. Interested? academy@delphy.nl

Autumn: start September, planning will follow soon. Online 6x – MS-Teams

The result

The online Lettuce Cultivation training includes:

  • Plant physiology; Steering plant growth in protected environment.
  • Leafy cultivation introduction; How choices influence the result.
  • Irrigation; Water uptake/ Nutrient uptake/ EC/ pH.
  • Climate control; Humidity control in relation to growth and quality, focused on leafy crops, computer settings, analyzing data.
  • Management of leafy cultivation; does and don’ts.

In this training you will expand your knowledge on these topics, you will learn to apply them and use it in your daily work. This will help you to develop your reputation in horticultural business. A certificate of participation is provided after the training.


After completing the training you will receive a certificate!

It is possible to customize this training. Options are online, on location or in Dutch. For more information send an email to academy@delphy.nl.