Towards more biodiversity through crop diversity in Zeeland

We want to increase biodiversity on farms in Zeeland with strip cultivation in wide and narrow variants, but also with smaller, directly applicable measures. Biodiversity is under great pressure and we want to contribute to this.


The duration of this project is from 1-1-2023  –  31-12-2024.


The project is co-financed by the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 for the Netherlands (POP3). This programme receives a financial contribution from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD): Europe is investing in its countryside.

Europese Unie logoProvincie Zeeland logo


Partners in this project:

Proefboerderij Rusthoeve logoWageningen University & Research logoDelphy logoZeeuws Agrarisch Jongeren Kontact logoHet Zeeuwse Landschap logoZeeuwse Milieufederatie logoDLV Advies  logo