Pilot Circular Agriculture Northern Netherlands

Circular agriculture: a vision of progress
In arable and livestock farming, it is essential to adapt to the innovative concept of circular agriculture. There is no blueprint for this concept, but it provides direction for the development of agriculture in the coming years. The result will be a technically, economically and ecologically feasible concept for farmers and horticulturists.
Key values
Sustainable management of soil and water, use of advanced technology and a focus on biodiversity are the core values in this project. We aim for the use of residual flows for optimal utilisation of minerals and organic substances. Circular agriculture differs per region and farm. Therefore, cooperation is obvious; especially between arable and livestock farming.
Stronger Together
Under the banner of this project, we are working to create and test pioneering regional models of circular agriculture based on the ideas of the participants in the alliance. This is a powerful alliance between two arable farmers, three dairy farmers, Delphy and DLV Advies. Preconditions are practical applicability and economic feasibility.
We Make Growers Better