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Innovatiedag Pioenroos (Dutch spoken)

Future-proof peony cultivation on Innovation Day Peony

Friday, June 7, the Innovation Day Peony will be held at Van Aert Flowers in Breda with the theme ‘Future-proof peony cultivation’. The day is organized by Delphy and Vakblad ‘v/d Grond’ in cooperation with the project Beeldende Bodem Brabant.

Peony cultivation is developing strongly, but there are several challenges now and for the future such as Phytophthora control, healthy soil, limiting nitrate leaching and mechanization. During the Innovation Day Peony, knowledge development for a future-proof peony cultivation is central.


In the morning, Frank van der Helm and two Delphy advisors will give a workshop from 10.30 to 12.15 on Phytophthora and similar diseases in peony cultivation. Frank van der Helm is a lecturer at Hogeschool InHolland and in the past a researcher in summer flowers at Wageningen UR. Registration is necessary due to the limited number of places; your ticket for the workshop is separate from participating in the Pioendag and can be registered via the event page of the workshop.

Demo workshop carousel along innovations

The afternoon program is from 1 p.m. to about 4:30 p.m. and consists of a demo workshop carousel along various research objects, presentations and demonstrations. All parts of the demo-workshop carousel focus on sustainable and efficient soil management in their annual and perennial crops and future-proof cultivation. There is a focus on organic matter supply and a presentation on nitrogen standards and preventing nitrate leaching. There will be a herbicide demo at Van Aert and a focus on Phytophthora and cooking treatments of peonies. Several exhibitors will also be present and a demonstration of robotic weed control will take place.

The Peony Day showcases the dynamics of the peony sector and provides ample space for discussion about the future of peony cultivation. Knowledge and networking are the basis for strong crops. The Peony Day offers the space for that.


Visiting the Pioendag is free of charge. However, you must also register your ticket.

Beeldende Bodem Brabant

The Pioendag is organized by Beeldende Bodem Brabant: providing insight into the added value of integral sustainability and disseminating knowledge and experience about innovative business strategies and sustainable business models in arable farming, perennial crops, fruit growing and bulb growing, in the province of North Brabant. The Pioendag focuses on good soil management in combination of perennial and annual crops, making it interesting for all growers interested in perennial crops. Why? Precisely combining measures into a system makes for a more robust crop. We look at the soil as the basis: how do you respond to the strong and the weaker characteristics of your plots.



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Beeldende Bodem Brabant


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magazine 'v/d Grond'