Terms such as generative, vegetative, 24-hour temperature and sink/source are technical terms that you want and need to understand if you work in greenhouse horticulture. Now days, Cultivation in greenhouses is a combination of green-fingers and hightech. To use the technology efficiently, knowledge of plant processes is required. By the correct interpretation of the plant condition, the optimal decisions can be made in climate and water strategy. For example, “humidity control” means regulating the humidity in the greenhouse, but why is it important and why do growers find it difficult? What dilemmas are involved?
‘Green-fingers are not genetically determined but available for everyone’ (Quote of a participant)
What do you learn?
In the online training Greenhouse Management Hightech Cultivation, you learn the specific concepts of greenhouse horticulture and how to use them in your daily work. The individual plant processes will be explained and translated into actions. The training is interactive with exercises and discussions. Everyone is being challenged to practice the theory. After the training every participant will receive a certificate of participation.
This training is organized in spring and autumn.
Autumn 2025:
September 18, 25 | October 2, 9, 16, 30 | November 6, 13
Time: 15.30 – 17.00 hrs. (CET)
Planning 2026
Not planned yet. Interested? academy@delphy.nl
- Industrial cultivation in protected circumstances like greenhouses
- 3 plant processes: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration
- CO2; Sink/Source Assimilates
- LAI; relation yield and quality. What is optimal; how to influence
- Introduction greenhouse climate control
- Climate contol, focused on humidity
- Light; sunlight, artificial light, use of screens
- Water supply in relation to plant growth
- Fertigation: Macro and micro elements; pH; EC; effect in cultivation
How does it work?
This training is given online by the teacher. You participate by listening to the lectures and discuss the topics with the teacher. You can ask questions and have to make the exercises. It is like a real life class with a lot of interaction but it is online!
The result
After this intensive training you:
- know the 3 plant processes and how to optimize these processes;
- understand the relations between greenhouse climate factors and their effect on yield and quality;
- understand the following ten concepts and you can apply them in your work:
- Photosynthesis
- Transpiration
- Generative/ Vegetative
- Sink/ Source
- 24h temperature
- Plant load
- Stomata
- Water uptake
- Nutrients uptake
Send an e-mail to academy@delphy.nl
It is possible to customize this training. Options are online, on location or in Dutch. For more information send an email to academy@delphy.nl