Peat-poor and peat-free cultivation

Several studies are conducted every year with peat-poor and peat-free cultivation. The aim is to gain experience with other substrates and still grow a high-quality plant.

Practical knowledge

Delphy has practical knowledge of peat-poor and peat-free substrates as well as knowledge of the crops, allowing for a targeted trial design.

Experience counts

Kwekers en substraatleveranciers kunnen zo ervaring opdoen met hun producten en gebruik maken van de kennis die Delphy in huis heeft. Proefvakken kunnen heel specifiek gestuurd worden qua watergift en bemesting, wat essentieel is voor dergelijke onderzoeken.


This survey is conducted every calendar year from April to October

Related Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 12 : Sustainable plant production, less use of peat.

icon of UN Sustainable Development Goal 12: 12. Responsible Consumption and Production12. Responsible Consumption and Production