QMS Tomato
The optimal cultivation strategy for tomato cultivation!
The optimal stem density?
How many fruits per bunch?
The optimal amount of exposure hours?
A number of example questions that a grower asks himself during a growing season. The QMS Tomato program supports the grower by answering these questions. The impossible design program to draw up the optimal cultivation strategy that matches the wishes and objectives of the company!
QMS Tomato is a cultivation planning program that predicts plant development and production in relation to the cultivation and climate strategy, based on data and a plant physiological model. This data-driven solution gives the grower meaning to arrive at the optimal cultivation strategy. First by setting up a cultivation strategy in advance of a season, where the user can compare different strategies (scenarios). In addition, the cultivation can be monitored during the season to analyze whether the cultivation is proceeding according to plan or whether adjustments need to be made. A link can be made with the climate computer, so that climate data can be read automatically.
In addition, a crop registration application can be used that is used directly in the greenhouse, collects valuable crop data in a fast and robust manner. The plant physiological model can be predicted in the future weeks based on the current situation. This gives the grower insight into what he can expect in the possible weeks and can anticipate if necessary. In addition, the grower is similarly provided with an accurate harvest forecast on which he can adjust his sales!
Information and demo
Click here for a demo QMS Tomato