
Hemp4Circularity will develop further the long fibre hemp and apply it in the textile value chain of North-West Europe (NWE), from growers to weavers/knitters, from field to fashion. The project is part of the solution to the challenges facing in Northwestern Europe, such as the transition to a circular economy, efficient use of raw materials, limited innovation capacity in rural areas and climate change, in line with the EU strategy for a sustainable and circular textile sector and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Innovative crop

Hemp is an innovative, ecological crop: no pesticides, a few fertilizers, no irrigation, and it absorbs 1,65 tons of CO2/ton of straw. It uses recently developed machines (which will continue to be improved). All phases of production will be optimized to increase sustainability. The project will set up pilot actions at different stages of the value chain (cultivation, processing, data-driven agriculture, spinning, weaving, knitting and recycling). It can partly rely on knowledge transfer from the flax sector and the project will collect the partners’ complementary knowledge through transnational cooperation in NWE. It will test recycling solutions and produce ecologically designed prototypes. It will organize trainings to increase the capacity of stakeholders and communication activities will increase the knowledge of brands and end users about hemp and the circular economy.

Project Goals

The project will provide solutions to

  • farmers by implementing profitable cultivation with a positive impact & integrating data-driven hemp cultivation;
  • the flax sector with an additional fibre to strengthen this sector. Hemp is a resilient crop that can withstand climate changes;
  • the textile industry, the brands, who wish to use local and sustainable materials;
  • end users, who look for local and sustainable textiles and have little knowledge about natural fibres.


Total project budget: € 3.811.323,42
Financial support of Interreg NWE: € 2.286.794,01


23/03/2023 – 23/03/2026

Project information

Project type Interreg North-West Europe

Website hemp4circularity  Website NW-Europe  |  Social media

Financial support


Interreg North-West Europe

Interreg North-West Europe logo


Our partners in this project

Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp | France logoVan de Bilt Zaden & Vlas | Netherlands logoValbiom | Belgium logoSafilin | France logoNatuvalis | Germany logoLibeco | Netherlands logoLin et Chanvre Bio | France logoInagro | Belgium logoHyler | Belgium logoHogent | Belgium logoDelphy | Netherlands logo