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Glass Vegetables Event on 22 May 2024 (Dutch spoken)

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 from 12.45 pm, Delphy will organize the Glass Vegetables Knowledge Event.
This afternoon we will take you through the challenges for greenhouse vegetable cultivation and the latest developments in the field of energy, crop health, cultivation and digitalization. In plenary sessions and various crop-oriented workshops on the latest innovations, experts share the most current knowledge with you.

Program May 22, 2024

12.45 Walk-in with coffee/tea

Aad van den Berg
Vision of Delphy on the challenges and developments in horticulture
Eric Poot, Klaas van Egmond en Rens Smith
The added value of CSRD in the horticultural sector
Remco Jansen, GTC+
The Home of Horti Science
The vision of the Municipality of Lansingerland
14.30 Workshop round 1
15.15 Short break
15.45 Workshop round 2
16.30 Workshop round 3
17.15 Networking with drinks

Information and registration


Delphy Improvement Centre
Violierenweg 3
2665 MV  Bleiswijk


The Event is Dutch Spoken only!


Register your self via the form below. Registration is open until Friday May 17, 2024, 10.00 h.
We try to take your workshop choices into account as much as possible, but no rights can be derived from them.

Aanmelding kennisevent glasgroenten

Wij proberen zoveel mogelijk tegemoet te komen aan de keuzes die u heeft opgegeven, u kunt hier echter geen rechten aan ontlenen.

Met het insturen van dit formulier geeft u toestemming, dat foto- en filmmateriaal, gemaakt op de dag zelf, gebruikt kan worden t.b.v.promotionele activiteiten rondom dit evenement.


For more information about the Event please contact:

Eric Poot, Manager Improvement Centre
Klaas van Egmond, Manager Delphy Digital
Rens Smith, Manager Glasgroenten