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Delphy ISFC Knowledge Event 27-03-2024

On Wednesday, March 27, Delphy organizes again an international soft fruit knowledge meeting.

This spring meeting is organized at the research location for soft fruit: Delphy Innovative Soft Fruit Centre in Horst (the Netherlands). During this meeting, current trials will be explained, and various themes will be explored by researchers of Delphy and external speakers. There will also be time for networking this afternoon.

This knowledge afternoon has a limited number of visitors. Due to a limited number of available places, the number of registrations per company is limited to two persons per company.

Registration is possible if we have available places: full is full!


12.45 – 13.30 hrs     Welcome with coffee
13.30 – 13.45 hrs     Opening and explanation of the workshops
13.45 – 15.15 hrs      Workshop round 1 (theme 1 t/m 4)
15.15 – 15.45 hrs      Pause
15.45 – 17.15 hrs      Workshop round 2 (theme 5 t/m 8)
17.15 – 19.00 hrs     Networking + drinks

During the workshop rounds, small groups rotate between the themes. So every theme is covered.

Organizational growth through employee development – Edwin Zuidgeest, Kasgroeit
2. Aphids: green solutions from Biobest – Arno Hellemons & Peter van Meijl, Biobest
3. Strawberries on rockwool: year-round unlit cultivation – Thomas Peters, Grodan & Vera Theelen, Delphy ISFC
4. Lighted winter cultivation with everbearers 2.0 – Gondy Heijerman, Delphy ISFC

5. Practical use of high-pressure mist for optimal greenhouse climate – Rob Kwinten, MJ Tech
6. Watersupply in relation to substrate Jan Willem van de Pol, Van der Knaap
7. Blackberry cultivation energy efficient and future-proof – Pim Kleeven, Delphy ISFC
8. Double cropping with fresh everbearer plants – Bart Jongenelen, Delphy ISFC

Delphy ISFC Knowlegde Event March 26, 2025 (UK)