Follow-up of ‘long fibre’ hemp trials in 4 countries thanks to the Interreg Hemp4Circularity

29 February 2024
Thanks to the Interreg NWE Hemp4Circularity project, textile hemp trials have been successfully carried out in Belgium, Germany, France and [...]

Growing long-fibre hemp: a survey of farmers

28 February 2024
The Hemp4Circularity project aims to integrate long-fibre hemp into the textile value chain in northwest Europe.

Vacancy: Horticulture Research Team Manager

10 January 2024
You will lead the research team and contribute to the further professionalisation of our research activities.

The Delphy Academy

9 January 2024
The Delphy Academy supports starting professionals in their development as experts, as professionals and as people.

Europa Horizon project GOOD: agroecology for weeds

4 January 2023
In GOOD, we explore sustainable solutions for agroecological weed management.

Surface runoff: soil type makes a difference

4 December 2023
Practical research on surface runoff and management measures. This research contributes to environmental goals and sustainable crop protection.

Green Guide Delphy

8 January 2024
Delphy launches the ‘Delphy Green Guide’ to inform growers and interested parties about green crop protection products and biostimulants.

Delphy launches ‘Green Guide’ app

23 January 2024
Delphy launches the ‘Delphy Green Guide’ to inform growers and interested parties about green crop protection products and biostimulants.

Our own Magazine: the Delphy

4 December 2023
The Delphy is Delphy’s own magazine in which we take a deeper look at our daily work.